Sunday, April 13, 2014

Your Passions - One Key to Your True Destiny

I have always felt that God puts desires into our heart that He intends on fulfilling.

I am now learning that even interests/hobbies could play a vital role in what God has planned for me.

So, here is my question to you? What are you passionate about? What gets your heart beating faster? If you have free time, what do you choose to do with it?

Make a list of these items. Even if they seem trivial or are "just a hobby."

Now, go to God with your list. Ask Him for revelation.

Isn't it just great we do not have to go through life just barely surviving and crossing off each day as it goes by. This was never God's intention for your life. No, He has a purpose that He designed you specifically for.

When you find this direction and choose to walk in this, then you will be doing something you are really passionate about.

So, if you feel stuck, just begin to think about your passions and see what God has for you to get excited about.

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