Sunday, April 20, 2014

Will You Share Your Treasure of Block it Off?

This morning I woke up and asked God what He wanted to tell me. I had the following vision:

I see a bird flying over a cave/cavern. Inside the cave is a treasure. Deep inside the cave is an even more beautiful treasure.

I asked God what this vision meant:
The bird is the Lord. The cave is me and the treasure is what is inside of me.

Further interpretation from God:
Each of us are a cave. We have within our spirit beautiful gifts God wants us to share with others. There are parts of ourselves that are deep within which are especially lovely and highly coveted. We have a choice, we can block off our cave so that none can enter (through defensiveness, hiding from others, sarcasm, and other self-preserving strategies) or we can be vulnerable and step into what God has destined us for, thereby, being able to share with many the beautiful parts of ourselves to make a global impact for God.

Which will you choose?

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