Friday, January 24, 2014

What if it Doesn't Work? What if it Does?

Do you live in the land of "what ifs"? Do you find yourself constantly wondering what might happen or could come next? Is worry your go-to emotion?

I know it was (and sometimes still is) for me. I used to worry about absolutely everything. Even when I would tell myself not to worry, I would worry. I knew Matthew 6:34 by heart, where Jesus says, "Do not worry about tomorrow for today has enough troubles of its own." I would chant that to myself - yet I would worry.

God really does not want us to worry. When a worry pops into your head, tell it to leave in the name of Jesus. Also, try shifting your thoughts.

You might be worrying about something and think, "What if it doesn't work?"
INSTEAD, try thinking, "What if it does!"

Also remember God really is your best friend. He wants to help you in EVERY decision. So even if it something small like trying to figure out what you should wear to work or when to go do your exercising for the day - just ask Him. I have found great peace when I just ask God about whatever is going on in my brain.  Just try it. Allow Him to close the door on worrying and release you from that prison!

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