Friday, January 24, 2014

How to Be Grateful in 15 Minutes

Do you find yourself complaining? Thinking of what needs to be done and how you are possibly going to get it all done? Feeling overwhelmed by life?
I find it is difficult to remember gratitude at these times.
God wants us to enter each day with thanksgiving and praise in our hearts.
How does one get into this mindset? Why not begin with taking 15 minutes over your lunch break or before bed and writing down 25 things that are going well in your life. Then take that list and put it in your Bible to look at each day or perhaps post it on your frig.
Try thanking God for a couple of these things each day. Say, "I am content with where I am at and thankful for ______________." It's true, isn't it? I know it can be hard, but watch how your life changes with just this one simple change!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this blog I have used material I learned at Wind and Fire Mission Base.
 Wind and Fire Mission Base, 3243 Wind and Fire Dr. Marion, IA 5230230

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