Friday, January 24, 2014

Positive Thinking Only Diet

This is no ordinary diet. There are no food restrictions or specific rules to follow when it comes to eating. Rather this diet is a brain diet.
How positive is your thinking these days? How often do you have a negative thought about anything?
If you find you are having a constant steam of condemnation going around in your head, please read my post entitled "Getting Rid of Self-Condemnation Forever"
Now that condemnation is gone from your brain, how many other negative thoughts do you find yourself meditating on? For instance, what role does worry/fear play in your life? How often do you find yourself complaining? Doubting? Just feeling down-in-the-dumps?
God really wants to free you from this too! So why not go on a diet for your brain.

Steps to Positive Thinking Only Diet:

Your main goal is to make it one entire day without a negative thought. If you have a negative thought, you must begin again to make it 24 hours without one.

1. Pray and ask God to give you wisdom and discernment about when a thought is negative and not beneficial. Also ask for him to help you hold it captive and release it.

2. Begin your day. When a negative thought comes up in your head, notice it is there, then throw it out in the name of Jesus. Just having this thought come into your brain does not count. It is MEDITATING on the thought or PERSEVERATING on it that gives it power. This is where Satan can get a foothold into your life.

3. Replace the thought with a verse. It can be any verse. Or simply say the name of Jesus over and over until you are focused on something new.

4. Build stamina in holding every thought captive just as you do when you build endurance in exercise. It will be hard at first, but do not give up. God will give you freedom from negative thoughts.

5. Do not get discouraged. Whatever you do, do not allow condemnation or anything negative to come into your head when you are unable to hold a thought captive. This is hard. It takes practice. One woman took 6 months of doing this daily before she could make it through one whole day without negativity sneaking into her thoughts. Ask God to strengthen you! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this blog I have used material I learned at Wind and Fire Mission Base.
 Wind and Fire Mission Base, 3243 Wind and Fire Dr. Marion, IA 5230230

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