Friday, January 24, 2014

I am Not How I Feel. I am How I Decide.

Do your emotions run haywire? Are you driven by feelings to do things you later regret?
God gave us emotions as a helper, but not to be our guide.
The Holy Spirit is our guide.
Just today, I found myself feeling fear and guilt over something that was really not worth feeling anything over. The emotions were so strong and did not make any sense to me. I stopped and prayed with power and told these feelings to go away in the name of Jesus.
Before I learned so much from God, emotions truly controlled my life. I was led to eating too much or feeling the need to escape through TV to get away from my uncomfortable emotions.
Now that I really understand who God says I am and how he wants me to be free from emotions that dictate my actions.
God wants you to understand when you have a strong feeling - it is just that. It is not wrong to feel mad or sad, but God does not want the emotions to dictate what you do. Rather, acknowledge the feeling. Pray to be rid of it if it is an uncomfortable feeling and then go on with your life.
You be the decision maker about what you do. Not your feelings.
Be intentional.  Seek the Holy Spirit if you are unsure about your next step, but don't rely on those unruly emotions.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this blog I have used material I learned at Wind and Fire Mission Base.
 Wind and Fire Mission Base, 3243 Wind and Fire Dr. Marion, IA 5230230

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