Saturday, October 22, 2016

Stepping into Your Destiny

What has God called you to do in life? Often God's plans for us are way bigger and completely different than the life/job we are currently in.
How do you know what God has in store for you? Do you spend time daily, or perhaps even weekly, being still in silence before Him to listen. [If you feel you cannot hear God ever or very infrequently hear Him, please go here].
As you begin to explore the future and His ideas for you, you might begin to upset your current life -- for instance, the status quo of your family system. Initially, I shared with too many people what God was showing me. This did a couple of things - it provided some naysaying, it dampened my excitement, and it caused me to doubt.
People, in general, are afraid of the unknown. But, when God truly is our leader - He says, "Fear not for I am with you!" Consider sharing your revelations with only a select few.
Take time today. Ask God, "What do you want me to know about you?" and "What do you want me to know about me?" Have paper ready, write what you see or hear. If something does not make sense, just ask God what it means.
Watch your world open up and change as you step into who you were really meant to be!

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