Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Agree and Do Not Doubt!

I used to wonder why my prayers for healing seemed ineffectual. Then I learned it is not just what we pray, but the belief behind what we pray.
I used to pray for the migraines to leave, while thinking in my head two things: 1)Maybe I deserve these migraines because I have failed God; 2) Praying is nice, but it has never worked before to relieve the pain.
Do you see what was underneath the prayers I prayed? I agreed with the migraines because I thought I had disappointed God. (I didn't know, at that time, that God has never had a bad thought about me.
I also doubted my prayers had any power.
What would happen if you changed the way you thought while you prayed? What if when you prayed (or even declare with authority)you knew what you prayed would come to pass? How would your prayer life change?
What about the passing "I'll pray for you" you state to someone who is sick. What if you really prayed knowing that it is never God's will for us to be sick and prayed with authority?
Can you think about what your thoughts are while you pray? Be in agreement and do not doubt.

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