Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Talking Too Much!!

I have recently discovered why I could not hear God -- I was doing all of the talking!! I am quite a talker in life. I have a lot to say. There is nothing wrong with having a conversation with God, in fact, He desires to have an intimate friendship with us. But, when I would sit down to pray I would talk about everything that was going on and intercede for others then AMEN.
I was missing a HUGE element. What is it? God tells us to be still before Him. I didn't really get this. First of all, I was rarely still any time in my life. But, God really wants to tell us a lot of information and give us dreams/visions/words of knowledge.
I was totally missing this part of my relationship with God.
To change this I learned how to be still before God.  What worked really well for me was to go outside and just sit. The first time I did it, it took about 10 minutes of concentrated effort to get the ongoing dialogue in my head to silence. Just deep breathing and waiting. Then God gave me a simple message about who He saw me as, but it was really powerful and life-changing.
Since that point, I have tried to be silent before God as often as I could. I have found with practice that I can hear much better and so much quicker than before.
If you are a talker, look at your journals or your prayer life? Are you talking too much? Are you even trying to listen? Then, change it up. See my entry on the steps that I took to be still before God.
Think of the amazing things you are going to learn from God just by taking a few minutes with Him.

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