Monday, February 17, 2014

I've Prayed Powerfully, But I Don't Feel Any Better...

So, you have watched the Curry Blake videos here and you have prayed powerfully for yourself in the name of Jesus knowing that the power that resurrected Jesus lives within you. Perhaps you felt your pain or something shift when you prayed, but you have woken up today feeling just as sick.


Do you remember the Isaiah 53:5?

But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.

Do you see? "…by His stripes we are healed." Look at the tense of that verse. 
In the normal Christian church, we are taught that it may be God's will for us to us to be sick. This is just NOT true. It is always His will for us to be free and healthy! He took those stripes for you and me so we could know that we ARE healed. 

What does that mean? Remember our God is always about free will choice. 
You have a choice. You can walk in sickness or in health knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are healed.

Let me give you an example. I used to have really debilitating back pain. My back would hurt after about 5 minutes of walking. When I first learned about how to pray powerfully and in the spirit, I would pray for my back. I used to touch my back and pray something like "I bring health into this back, in the name of Jesus. By your stripes this back is completely well." Remember, it is not really what we say, but it is the belief of knowing it is Jesus doing the healing and not some personal superpower or whatever. Anyway, after praying I might notice the back pain leave completely or sometimes it would move. It might get hot or cold. All of these things are signs that the pain is on the move. What do you do then? You BLAST that pain with prayer. You may need to pray for it every 5 minutes for a certain period of time. Just walk in faith knowing this is completely unacceptable and you refuse to have pain because God wants you to be free.

Another important part is to renew your mind. You see, when one is in chronic pain or has an illness, you start to make accommodations in life. I know I was. I would think, "I cannot walk the dog because my back pain is so bad" or "If I go to Walmart, I am going to have to find some places to sit down because my back will hurt after walking for a few minutes." You get the idea. When I would have these thoughts, I was actually WELCOMING the pain back in.

Kind of crazy, right? I know it sounds weird, but being sick can be provide reasons to not go to work, attend social gatherings we might rather skip, take extra naps, and the list goes on. So, if you are going to pray powerfully for healing in your body, then you must renew your mind and begin to think differently.

What if your back didn't hurt all the time? What would you do that you have not been able to do forever? What if you didn't have cancer or some kind of disease? What would be different? Take some time. Ask God what you have changed because of your pain/sickness. What parts of the true you that God created you to be could return?

For me, one of the true parts of me was to dance again. With the daily migraines, back pain, and foot pain this really seemed like an impossibility to me. But, I began to walk in faith knowing that soon I would return to Jazzercise. The first day I went, it was scary. Part of me really felt I couldn't do it. 2-3 times during the sessions for the first month or so, I would have to go into the bathroom and pray in the name of Jesus for whatever part of my body was suddenly hurting again. I refused to give up this true part of me. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this is one of the things God wanted me to do. Nothing was going to keep me from reaching God's goal for me!

You might also have to retrain family members. They are used to your sickness and pain. I had many people asking me all the time about how bad my headaches had been recently or trying to make accommodations for me knowing I could not walk far. Tell them you have realized God doesn't want you to be sick. Stop talking about those aches and pains. Ask God to show you when you think about them (the thought patterns you have) and break those in the name of Jesus.

I think another thing that also really helped is to kind of pray aggressively when pain would come around. Especially when I was alone in my car, I raise my voice and speak directly to that pain in the name of Jesus. I tell it that it is absolutely not allowed. I know who I am in God. I agree with who God says I am. I refuse to allow that pain/sickness to keep me from doing what God wants me to do. Somehow for me, speaking in almost an angry voice helps to remind me that it is not by Katherine's power that these things have to go, but it is by the amazing power of Jesus that lives in me.

Finally, one other thing I would like to mention. Sometimes I will still have just a terrible headache. I pray fervently in the spirit and it seems to have a vice on me. In that situation, it is important to have someone who knows how to pray powerfully and have them pray for you. What if you do not have anyone? In that case, please contact me via email. Give me your phone number, what is ailing you, and best time to call. I will call and we will get you feeling better. 

Once you start walking in freedom and health, share your newfound knowledge. See that person walking on a cane on the street? Go over and ask if you can pray for them. Almost always they will say yes. Pray for them (maybe several times until they feel better or put down that cane). Then share the gospel (if they do not already have a relationship with God). By taking this leap of faith, you will have changed a life and you will feel even healthier because praying for others in this way will dramatically increase your faith! Praise God!
In this blog I have used material I learned at:
 Wind and Fire Mission Base Wind and Fire Mission Base, 3243 Wind and Fire Dr. Marion, IA 52302
John G. Lake Ministries - Curry Blake DHT Training2

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