Sunday, November 06, 2016

No Record of Wrongs

What does true love look like? True love is unconditionally loving others and not keeping a record of their wrongs. God does this. We pray and ask forgiveness and our sin is tossed to the bottom of the ocean. He lets it go.
How can we mimic this within our friendships and relationships with others?
First, let's identify what we are saying that hinders this type of freedom in love. Have you ever said something to the effect of, "That person is going to have to earn back their trust with me after what just happened?" You have just set a condition to being able to love that individual freely. You have tied your joy to whatever behaviors the person displays. You are now being managed by their behavior/emotions.
This has happened to me. I have a close friend that is not very consistent and has really hurt my feelings several times. I kind of opened myself up to that response because I kept wanting this friend to behave differently. Therefore, every time this person did not show up the way I wanted, I felt hurt. Do you see how my feelings were managed by my friend's behavior? I kept a record of the wrongs and they compounded upon each other all because of the way I chose to view it.
What we are talking about is a complete mindset shift here. A complete overhaul to the way society views other people's actions/words. I need to go from remembering hurt feelings/times I was disappointed by someone's behavior to absolutely and completely letting it go.
This is not just in friendships, this can be in work or personal, and even family relationships.
If you are managed by the behavior or emotions of others you will never truly be free and you will not truly love unconditionally.
Can you start to shift your thinking? Think of one person in your life who makes you frustrated, hurt, or some other strong feeling. Can you let go of what you are expecting them to do? Can you stand next to that person and love him/her well failures and all? #lovewell #otherpeoplesbehaviordoesnotmanagemyfeelings #totalmindsetshift #loveunconditionally #letitgo #changeyourthinking #changeyourreality

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