Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How to REALLY Trust God...

I was just praying and felt very convicted. I have been worrying about something. God has told me He's got this.
Why do our hearts get so troubled? God wants us to truly rest and let Him take whatever ails us.
I know this in my head, but how can I really DO this?
1. Let go of ALL fear - you may need to work on holding ANY thought captive that resembles fear or worry. For me, I sometimes get into a pattern of worry. Not okay to worry at all. Drop the fear and trust.
2. Rest - rest in the midst of your trouble. What does this look like? What is your pattern when you are troubled? Do you relentless search the internet for answers? Do you call multiple friends and tell them about your concerns? Do you get very busy or frantically clean (one of my neighbors used to do that when her heart was troubled). What would it look like to rest - really rest? Trust.
3. Stop being stubborn. Has God told you the way to solve the problem and you refuse to take the next step. Are you arguing with God about the next step? What if falling into His arms and truly trusting Him is the answer?
4. Stop trying to solve the problem at all. I often look for solutions and ask for many people's opinions. God has told me to STOP completely. There is no peace when one is running around trying to find the answer.

What about you? Is there a problem in your life that you feel fear or worry about? What does God want you to know about the situation? Can you give it to him, really relinquishing it, and simply trust?

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