Thursday, December 04, 2014

Take Risks, God's Got Your Back

God has really been teaching me recently to let go of fear-based mindsets. These mindsets or thoughts are NEVER from God and ALWAYS keep us from what God has for us.

Just take a moment and think about the things you have said or thought about that you could never do. What are they? What are the areas you feel completely afraid of in your life? What are circumstances, people, events you purposely avoid? Chances are this is actually an area where God really wants to move things for you and it is the old, yucky mindsets that are getting in the way of breaking truly free.

So, you have a choice. You can stay exactly where you are, doing the things you always do, being the same you have always been OR you can choose to challenge the fear and face it.

Begin by getting a notebook and a pen.
Now be still before God.
Ask God to show you areas in your life where you are allowing a fear mindset to rule.
Write down what God says to you or shows you.
Now ask God to give you strategies to move beyond the fear.

Take a risk. With the help of God you can move past ANY fear mindset. Your life is to be powerful, full of strength and glory - not fear keeping you from helping others know about God, isolating you, or keeping you stuck in a rut of self-pity. You are God's treasure and He has big plans for you - which definitely do not involve fear or anxiety. Step into a different path and breathe the air of freedom.


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