Saturday, January 31, 2015

Releasing Emotional Issues Quickly

This past fall at Wind and Fire Mission Base, I learned a truly remarkable way to release a strong emotion, memory, mindset, and/or pain.

This strategy combines brain research and freedom prayer - it is extremely effective, fast, and powerful. I absolutely love it and use it daily.

There is a part of the brain called the amygdala. The amygdala processes emotions such as fear, anger, and pleasure. The amygdala is also responsible for determining what memories are stored and where the memories are stored in the brain. This part of our brain thinks that memories are actually going on currently even though they have already occurred. As a result, one might be in a fight or flight mode releasing chemicals into that body that are not needed because one is not in an emergency situation, but the amygdala thinks the memory is in real time. This strategy is fabulous because the tapping actually interrupts the brain signals being sent out. When the signals are interrupted the body is able to suddenly understand "Oh, I am not in a crisis? I do not need to be sending out emergency chemicals??" Then, one is able to come in with freedom prayer and let it all go in the name of Jesus.
This concept is important to understand because we often have strong reactions or huge defensive reactions to things that should really be only a minor blip in our emotional world. Why does this happen? It triggers the core memory and the amygdala - so the body is reliving the emotional trauma or the past even though the current event is minor.

In the freedom prayer world, it can often take multiple sessions to release one area. Through this prayer strategy, which I will call "tapping" for lack of a better name, emotions and strong memories can be released permanently within minutes.

I am going to outline the strategy in this blog entry. Please keep in mind, this is how I am doing it. There is no "right" way.
To begin, find an issue you are always defensive about or perhaps a trauma in your life (can also be used on specific pain or illnesses). It is best to have someone pray with you through these issues using this technique the first few times, but once you have a handle on it, it is absolutely a strategy you can do independently with God.

For this example, I am going to outline how to do the prayer strategy independently:

Let's say you feel you are unable to do math well in your life overall. When you consult God to try to figure out the core memory, you remember how in 7th grade a teacher had you stand in front of the class and told everyone you were stupid and horrible at math.

Tapping Prayer Strategy - this is a simplified cycle that I use exclusively now, there is a longer cycle I might outline in a later blog entry.

1. First quiet yourself. Take a few deep breaths. Say aloud, "Body, mind and spirit - line up with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. My voice be silent and any other voice that is not of God be silent now in the name of Jesus."
2. Your tapping pattern will be above the eyebrow, side of the eye, below the eye, and chest. Begin by tapping above eyebrow saying something to escalate the feelings associated with your bad memory of math in 7th grade. For instance, "In 7th grade I was humiliated in math class." Repeat and tap on side of eye. Repeat and tap below eye while saying something similar and then tap on chest and repeat again.
3. Continue to escalate the feelings. Imagine yourself there. What were you feeling? What was it like? What mindsets were formed that day?  Maybe something like "I felt so dumb." As you tap you can even change into the present "I am dumb. I am so stupid in math." Continue the tapping pattern and going with the emotions or mindsets as you go. Allow yourself to flow in it.
4. Once the feelings associated with the memory/mindset are really strong, you are ready to let them go. So, something like, "I am going to let go of the humiliation." (keep tapping in your cycle and repeating) "I am going to let go of all of the humiliation in the name of Jesus." Go through and repeat the cycle again as you release more.
5. Pay attention if you start yawning or if you had escalated your feelings really high (maybe to the point of crying and you suddenly stop crying) - at this point you are physically and spiritually releasing the strong feelings/memories/mindsets.
6. At this point, hold onto your wrist and take 3 deep breaths and speak "Peace" over yourself.
7. I usually, then imagine the memory and place myself back into the memory. How do I feel now? Do I feel any negative emotions? If I do, I continue. However, more often then not I almost have a flat affect about something that 10 minutes ago had me completely crying over.

I love this strategy to combat mindsets or word curses I had spoken over myself.  One final thing to mention, if you sense something that is not of God, tap the top of your head and command it to leave in the name of Jesus.

It is kind of hard to get the hang of this just by reading a post. Maybe soon I can make a video of it. Or if I know you personally, I would be absolutely delighted to go through a session with you.
I love this. It has really removed so much of the gobbledegook from my brain in a very powerful, tangible way. Thank you, Jesus, for wanting us to be free from all shame, condemnation, fear, and pain. I love you!

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