Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Can You Control the Tightrope? Or Do You Fall into the Abyss?

In life, there is a tightrope we walk. A rope of faith and hope where below us there is an abyss of worry and fear. You might feel wobbly in your faith (unsure of what is coming next - which is doubt). You might feel unsteady and try to step backwards into the past looking only at "what worked before" rather than stepping forward into the unknown in faith. Or you can free fall into the abyss of worry and fear, always falling, but never, ever reaching the steady ground. The choice is yours.

The phrase "Fear not" is mentioned 365 times in the Bible. Think of the beauty of that in God's word. He has given you a "Fear not" for each day of your year. He wants you to remember daily to release fear and trust. "But," you might say to me, "You do not understand what I am going through."
I may not, but God does.

My main question to you is this, "Have you given control of this fear or worry to God?"  I find in my own life, I often hold on tight to the biggest concerns or fears. I kinda pray about them, but mostly I try to solve it on my own (searching the internet for answers and researching; asking multiple people for their opinions; etc). Do you see how in this situation it is I who is trying to control the situation? I'm sure you can all imagine how well this goes when I follow this philosophy. Needless to say, I am not walking in faith when I do this and I worry more and rest less. In addition, my way is NEVER better than when I release it to God.

Let's go back to the tightrope analogy. In life, daily, you have choices. You choose what to think, what to wear, what to eat, what to say. You have a choice about walking in faith or falling into the abyss of fear. You can try to control your stance and balance on that tightrope all on your own will or you release the worry and truly trust God to keep your footing steady and solid. Doesn't He already know everything? Can't you think of a time when He truly protected you? Doesn't He have absolutely your best interests at heart? Doesn't He love you more deeply than the ocean?

Why can we not, together, walk forward and trust? Take your right hand and put it in front of you. Now, put that worry or fear into your hand. Say with me, "God, I trust you. You have never left my side. I give this to you. If I start to think about it or worry, I will hand it back to you. I give up the control and I walk forward in faith powerfully, boldly and with Your great love. AMEN."

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Isaiah 43:1b-2 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Fear Makes You Dumb

Fear. It is so prevalent in so many people's narratives. Fear of failure. Fear of punishment. Fear of rejection. 
Did you know when you are in a state of fear, you are not able to think creatively or freely?
Many focus their lives in fear of the future - which can be seen in their continuous worries. 
Fear makes us dumb. We can't think clearly. We run around in circles, accomplishing little.
We have talked before about holding thoughts captive. Can you start paying attention to your thoughts? Are they helping you or hurting you? If it is a thought based in fear/worry/condemnation then I encourage you to, literally, throw it away (I teach the kids to symbolically pull the "brain trash" thoughts out of their head and throw them away).
Then, you need to replace your thought with a completely different thought. The opposite of fear is peace, confidence, and faith/trust. Can you move into that line of thinking instead?
Fear really took so much from me. It had such a stronghold over me. I didn't know I could ditch it. It really impacted every area of my life and made me feel sick.
You are worth the effort to get out of the pattern of fear. Can you become aware of your thoughts? Remember
“Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.” John 14:27 

#renewyourmind #letitgo