Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Boundaries - Raise the Limit of Your Value by Creating Them

Proverbs 25:28 - Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.
"Boundaries communicate value for what is inside those boundaries.If you have several junk cars out in a field, it is called an eyesore. If you put a fence around your yard, now you have a wrecking yard. If you put a building around those cars, then you have a garage. With each increase of limits, you raise the value of what is inside.You raise the value of what you require before you allow access, you increase the value of what you have. To all who are near, we send a clear message of value about the level of value we have for ourselves by the way we establish boundaries." (Culture of Honor, Danny Silk).
What do the boundaries look like in your life?It is extremely important to draw boundaries around all areas of your life - at work, at home, and in relationships. You have such great value to God.
Several years ago I had a friend who was extremely needy. It drew a lot of energy from me to help her. I was helping her financially and emotionally. I had to draw boundaries with her and move her to an outer circle because I was giving everything I could, but was receiving nothing in return. Likewise, she wanted to discuss her issues, but never took my advice and seemed to want to stay stuck. I had to draw some boundaries and change the level of our friendship.
Is it unbiblical or ungodly to move people out or create boundaries? It is not. We are of great value to God. Do you currently have someone in your life who is toxic? Someone who is always negative or critical of you? What boundaries could you draw to step out of this person's sphere of influence? Can you draw boundaries with this person -- even if he/she is a family member?
What about in other environments? What is currently causing you stress? What can you shift to decrease this stress?
Remember you are so important to God! Your energy, your time, and your love - they are all precious commodities. Use them well.

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