Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Bringing Back Past Yuckies...

I just had someone say something really hurtful to me. Initially, I felt angry, but I knew this was a great opportunity to go deep with God.

Unfortunately, in life, people say critical things or damaging words. Remember your words have power.

However, when we have the mind of Christ we always have a choice of what we are going to do with those words.

Will you choose to repeat the words over and over? Perhaps you will call every friend to tell them of the hurtful comments (this is what I used to do). Will you choose to visualize the conversation in your head and hear the person saying the critical statements repetitively? Will you punish yourself by thinking you deserve the negativity?

Or will you choose to process the situation with God? God is the best counselor and listener ever.

So, I immediately went to God and asked him to help me unpack why I felt so angry about the statements made. Remember when you are defensive there is often an underlying issue or core belief that God wants to give you freedom from.

I realized that the negative comment hit an old belief that I had that I was unlovable. This, of course, is nonsense from the enemy. My Heavenly Father loves me more than I can comprehend.

Anyway, back to my situation. I then asked God if we needed to pray through this or if had already been taken care of. God let me know that this belief was done. I had freedom from it and no longer believed it, but this negative comment had brought a spark to this dead thought pattern.

Therefore, it is my choice to choose to believe and agree with what the person said or to simply tell the thought to leave in the name of Jesus.

I choose to forget it. That means I will not acknowledge the comment by repeating the story to friends; I will not say anything to the person who was hurtful to "teach them a lesson;" nor will I repeat the statement in my head.

In the name of Jesus, I command this yucky gobbledegook comment to leave my brain forever.

Praise be to God!

1 comment:

Jay said...

-That is amazing, thank you for helping me understand how sometimes I feel when I feel bad. I feel very good when I tell the yucky stuff to get out of my mind forever.
Thank you again for putting up an amazing blog that could help someone someday!-Jay