Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hard to Forgive ... How to Forgive the Unforgivable Part II

In our last post, here, we discussed how to forgive those who seem to be unforgivable. I wanted to make this a new post because I needed to explain the next part.
It is all about perspective. For so long, I was holding onto stuff that happened back in middle school and still having trouble forgiving, despite knowing what the Bible said.
However, when you really look at it, what caused that person to do the things he/she did to you? God? Certainly not. The person themselves? No, because God created them for His destiny and purpose. So who influenced the person? Satan.
Now, when you really start to embrace this truth, suddenly your previous thoughts, "He is just evil" or "She is a horrible person." No, not really. At the core of these people is their spirit and who God created them to be. What has really happened is they are being very influenced by the evil spirit realm and embracing that influence - which then manifests as the person doing bad and hurtful things.
Once you truly acknowledge this, you suddenly should begin to feel compassion for that person. He/she has all sorts of spirits dominating their life! How would it be if they were free? What type of person did God really design him/her to be?
OK, now with this new perspective, let's go back to forgiving that person.

1. Ask God to forgive you for the hatred you agreed with and the grudge you held.
2. Say aloud, "I forgive myself for agreeing with this, in the name of Jesus."
3. Pray something like this, "Father, I thank you that you have forgiven me and I come to you release (name of person) into your loving hands. This person hurt me and many others, God. I pray that you bring freedom into his/her life, in the name of Jesus. Father I forgive (name of person) with all of my heart. Thank you for your love. AMEN"
4. Imagine that person - listen closely to your heart - is there any negative feelings (fear, fury, deep sadness, etc.) that enter your heart? If so, seek God and maybe consider going back and repeating Part I of this post.
5. Finally, if when you think of this person you still feel something keeping you drawn into unforgiveness you might need to do freedom prayer (like the Circle of Prayer) on yourself or seek out freedom prayer from a prayer center / church. Just ask God what to do next. He desires you to be totally free from anger and hatred.
In this blog I have used material I learned at Wind and Fire Mission Base
 Wind and Fire Mission Base, 3243 Wind and Fire Dr. Marion, IA 52302

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