Thursday, May 22, 2014

7 Steps to Sin - You Have a Choice!

How many times have you promised God, yourself, an accountability partner, your family, etc that you are going to stop with a specific sin. Then, suddenly you find yourself AGAIN in the spot of sinning. It feels like a trap. Perhaps, this is just going to be your own personal sin struggle. Maybe this is just your personality - a part of you.


I have just been watching a remarkable training from the Be in Health folks about the 7 Steps to Sin.

As noted in James 1:14-15, there are seven steps to sin:

James 1:14-15

King James Version (KJV)
14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

1. Temptation - An evil thought enters your head. This is always a thought from the enemy. Not from God.
2. Drawn Away - Preoccupied by thought. You begin to have strong feelings about specific temptation.
3. Own Lust - Satan knows what we are easily tempted by. At this stage, you sit back and turn on the TV in your mind thinking about temptation and liking it.
4. Enticement - Weakening of your will. Your will power weakens. You begin to get symptoms in your body enticing you to sin.
5. Lust Conceived - This is not only meaning the sexual sin of lust. You prepare for sin - the desire to sin enters your heart. You make the thought your own.
6. Sin - You commit the sin.  You open the door to curses and diseases
7. Death - Consequence of sin is death. Separation from God. Guilt and shame come in.


I always knew the Bible said that it was a choice to sin or not, but in some areas of my life I just could not get a very strong handle on it. I would walk away from a temptation then fall repeatedly several times in a row. I was thankful that Jesus had died for me, so I could ask for forgiveness, but I felt guilty and shameful that I kept falling.

This message is a life changing idea. It is the disembodied spirit (demonic) that often brings a tempting thought into our heads. Even if it seems like it is our idea - for instance, if we hear the voice in first person. Just think you have not actually committed the sin until step number 6.

In my next blog entry, I am going to discuss how to renounce the sinful thought before it becomes a sin reality!

Awesome! Walk in freedom, my friends!

This blog entry is based on a training from Be in Health, created by Henry Wright

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Discipline from God - Am I Being Punished?

I was just reading the Bible today and got to thinking about Hebrews 12:5-6. It says,

And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son."

Often we think of discipline as a spanking or a harsh word. Is this what God does to rebuke us? When praying for clarity on this, I felt God explaining that discipline is actually His way of guiding, directing, and protecting. Then I saw a vision of a young child about to touch a hot stove. What does a loving parent do in this instance? He/she corrects the child by: explaining why it is unsafe to touch the stove, guides the child about how to handle hot things, and, thereby, protects the child from getting hurt.

This is why God provides us with commandments and guidelines for so many issues we face today. It is not with a hateful, punishing hand that He does this. Rather, it is because He loves His precious children so much He wants us to be deeply blessed and to walk in righteousness. 

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Should I Raise my Hands During Worship? What Will the Person Next to me Think?

You have attended church. You know the routine. Begin with a few songs, maybe clap a little if others are clapping. Or if you are really bold raise one hand above your head so everyone will know you are worshipping. Do this for 20 minutes and then time for the sermon.

Sound familiar? Well, that was the way I felt every time I went to pretty much any church when I traveled around.

There was very much an atmosphere of wanting to seem "spiritual" but not too weird or out-there.
In this mind frame, there might be one song that spoke very quietly to my spirit and made me tear up, but most often I was very aware of the present world and not the heavenly realm.

Could this be what worship is about? Is this the way God wants me to sing to Him?

What if this mindset makes one miss the point completely of worshipping God?

For me, the key was a few important components to unlocking my worship:

1. Worship with eyes closed and imagine all others are blindfolded.
2. If you see yourself doing something in the spirit (like I might see myself moving my arms in a circle above my head) then do it. By being obedient to God you could unleash something from God or be a channel He is needing to use.
3. Know that there is no "right way" to worship. When I let myself go and really just move for God, there is no commonality to what I am doing. You might feel you should suddenly kneel because God's presence is so heavy on you, for instance.
4. Understand that by being freer during worship you will help others. When I first came to be in a church where people worshipped more freely, I sat back and watched several times. I felt sad when I walked in and uplifted by the true joy shown by the way people were worshipping.

Why not start in your home? Try putting on some praise music - if you do not have any of this type of music just do a general search on youtube and there is tons available. Then move around in your living room as God moves you.

If that still feels too crazy to you - try just sitting and listening to the music then moving as you sit.

By stepping out of your normal routine of worship that you do each Sunday, I guarantee you will have a different and, thereby, have a wonderful experience with God. When I let go, I have revelations, visions, and feel true peace.

Remember praise is a weapon! Do not allow the enemy to weaken your weapon by telling you people are looking at you. Praising God is not about any of them - it is about your amazing God! Let's dance for joy and let Him know how grateful we are for freedom, love, and eternal life!