Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Witness to others about my faith? Not me...
Do you feel overwhelmed with the thought of sharing your faith with others? Not sure about how to "share the Good News"?
It is important, in fact it is crucial, that we share our faith with others. Witnessing is not just about being a street preacher (although there is a place for that). It is about sharing the love and peace of Jesus Christ with the people who are the most dear to us -- our family and friends.
Look around you, there are people at work, neighbors, friends and even our dearest family members who are tragically lost and do not know the saving love of Jesus Christ. These people will not have eternal life or even in this life know the peace God gives during trial or his deep love He has for each one of us. How sad is that!
Which leads me back to the original discussion - witnessing.
We will begin a discussion about different ways to witness. There is no right or wrong way. The Holy Spirit will guide you. This is God's job not yours.
The first step is for you to pray for God to open opportunities in your life for witnessing. Then ask God to help your heart to become bold for Him. Get ready for a great ride! He is about to make things really happen in your life and for everyone you interact with!

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