Saturday, August 13, 2005

Witnessing - Question "Don't All Religions Lead to God?"
Perhaps this is one of the most common questions you will be confronted with as you witness. I believe Hank Hanegraaff- The Bible Answer Man- answers it best in his book "The Bible Answer Book" (pp160-161) :

Don't all religions lead to God?

Before answering this question, a word of warning is in order: Anyone who answers in the negative may well be ostracized for being narrow-minded and intolerant. That being said, my answer is, "No, not all religions lead to God, and it is incorrect and illogical to maintain that they do."

First, when you begin to examine world religions such as Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, you will immediately recognize that they directly contradict one another. For example, Moses taught that there was only one God; Krishna believed in many gods; and Buddha was agnostic. Logically, they can all be wrong but they can't all be right.

Furthermore, the road of religion leads steeply uphill, while the road of Christianity descends downward. Put another way, Religion is fallen humanity's attempt to reach up and become acceptable to God through what we do; Christianity, on the other hand, is a divine gift based on what Christ has done. He lived the perfect life that we could never live and offers us his perfection as an absolutely free gift.

Finally, Jesus taught that there was only one way to God. "I am the way and the truth and the life," said Jesus, "No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). Moreover, Jesus validated his claim through the immutable fact of his resurrection. The opinions of all other religious leaders are equally valid in that they are equally worthless. They died and are still dead. Only Jesus had the power to lay down his life and to take it up again. Thus, his opinion is infinitely more valid that theirs.

"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12

This book and other free articles are available at

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Witnessing Through Christian Fiction...
Does it ever seem like when it comes time to talk to friends or family about God that suddenly we find ourselves completely tongue-tied or extremely nervous? I remember one time when the person I was witnessing to went to the bathroom I called a Christian friend of mine quickly and said in a panicked voice, "What is the prayer of salvation again?" She helped me to remember there is not one specific prayer of salvation - that you just need to invite Christ into your heart and ask that He forgive you for your sins.
God can work in powerful ways in your lost loved ones hearts through many different ways. One way that I encourage you to pray about is through Christian fiction. Think about the person who you really want to know God and who has been on your heart. Does this person enjoy reading as a pastime? There are some truly amazing and life-changing books out there that I encourage you to check out.
It has been my experience that it works best to give the book to the person as a gift, not as a loaner. The person will be touched that you thought of them. Especially if it is someone from work or an acquaintances you don't know as well. I give the type of book I know will be of interest to that person, yet has a powerful message of salvation. (See book suggestions and links below). Pray before you give the book. God will let you know clearly which book you should give, when you should give it and how you should say it. You may feel uncomfortable at first when you begin giving books, but continue to give and God will bless you deeply. In addition, the people who read these books will come back to you and thank you.
If the person chooses to read the book it will generate all sorts of conversations surrounding God and religion. If questions arise that you cannot answer, please use the Christian Research Institute link on this page to contact and ask your questions there or feel free to contact me.

Suggested Christian Fiction:

Titles By Randy Alcorn
Please check out Randy's website
I suggest you sign up for his newsletter that he will mail to your home.

Deadline This is my #1 choice for nonChristian seekers. It portrays 3 men in a car accident and their final destinies: Heaven, Hell and Undecided (this one is still alive). I would also recommend it for Christians who are needing a clear perspective of Heaven - not just everyone sitting around playing harps all the time - how unbelievable and exciting it is. By the way, Randy's books are awesome to listen to on audiobook.

Lord Foulgrin's Letters Every Christian should read this book. It helps Christians become aware of the actual spiritual battle we are all in. I really pick and choose if I give this to a nonChristian because I think it is almost too much to handle at once. Every hot topic issue is addressed in this book. But, there are some who it is excellent for. Again, God will guide you.

Edge of Eternity This book is just amazing and really makes you think! I give it to any Christian and the intellectual seeking nonChristian. It leads to all sorts of great discussions. Read it for yourself and let it change your life!

Randy has numerous other fiction items that are all wonderful. His non-fiction is also terrific. As you can tell he is my favorite author!

By Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins
Official Left Behind website:

I have found that the popular Left Behind series (a series of 12 books based on the Book of Revelation) is an excellent tool for witnessing. Although some Christians disagree with Tim LaHaye's views about what will happen and how some aspects are interpreted, there is no denying that over and over again LaHaye offers the reader a model of how to become a Christian through characters' salvation. I have seen several friends grow from this reading.

I recommend giving this book to a nonChristian who enjoys exciting, engaging fiction. I always just give the first book. Here is a link to Amazon where the first in the series sells for 1 cent.

Whether or not your friend continues to read the series is irrelevant, what is relevant is what they gained. Engage them in discussion. Ask them if they would like to watch the movie with you.

There are 2 movies in the series. You can buy them as a two pack for $3.49 at|27512|71218
By the way, is a great resource for most items that you would normally
buy at your local store. You can usually get items significantly reduced.

There is so much more wonderful Christian fiction. Does your unsaved mom love romance? Think Liz Curtis Higgs. Does your unsaved roommate get thrilled by thrillers? Check out Craig Parshall. The key to picking out a good piece to give: (1) Pray about giving a book (2) Read the book first yourself (3)
Make sure it has a clear salvation message (4) Give the book and wait for a response.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Witness to others about my faith? Not me...
Do you feel overwhelmed with the thought of sharing your faith with others? Not sure about how to "share the Good News"?
It is important, in fact it is crucial, that we share our faith with others. Witnessing is not just about being a street preacher (although there is a place for that). It is about sharing the love and peace of Jesus Christ with the people who are the most dear to us -- our family and friends.
Look around you, there are people at work, neighbors, friends and even our dearest family members who are tragically lost and do not know the saving love of Jesus Christ. These people will not have eternal life or even in this life know the peace God gives during trial or his deep love He has for each one of us. How sad is that!
Which leads me back to the original discussion - witnessing.
We will begin a discussion about different ways to witness. There is no right or wrong way. The Holy Spirit will guide you. This is God's job not yours.
The first step is for you to pray for God to open opportunities in your life for witnessing. Then ask God to help your heart to become bold for Him. Get ready for a great ride! He is about to make things really happen in your life and for everyone you interact with!

Monday, August 01, 2005

You are adopted by God...
I am sure you know of a family who has adopted a child. Think of the process the couple went through to adopt. Think about how much they really wanted that child. Think of how they prepared the room for the adopted child and waited anxiously for it's arrival. When the child finally arrived, the couple was overjoyed and spent all their time with the child -- watching the child sleep, holding the child closely, showing the child off to all of their friends and family.

Ephesians 1:5 states, "He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will" (emphasis added)

God not only created you, He adopted you!
God knew exactly what He was doing when He created you - no mistake was made. He adopted you! What do we know about adoptions? They are always wanted! He watches you - even when you sleep! :) He will hold you closely when you are going through a rough time and gives you peace during times of trial. He delights in you and loves you so deeply! Be encouraged! Know that the Lord made no mistake when He created you!