Monday, December 12, 2016

Test Everything

What if you get a word from God? Perhaps someone and shares something with you? You get a vision or a dream? How do you know it is from God?
You must test everything. Do not take it all at face value. 
If you have a dream: go back with prayer and ask God to show you the true nature of the dream in the name of Jesus. 
If you get a prophetic word spoken over you, note it and then look for patterns. Have others said the same/similar thing? Do the words ring true within your spirit?
Does the vision, dream, prophetic words line up with the word of God? You can be sure that if anything spoken to you or that you see that does not line up with character of God it is to be thrown away.
I was the focus of a prophetic pit. I sat in front of 50 people who did not know me and they prayed and asked God what He wanted them to know about me. After several minutes they shared what they had gotten. There were true themes where multiple people got the same thing about me. This is another way to verify what the Lord says. 
Just take a minute now and ask God, "What do you want me to know about you? What do you want me to know about me?" These types of moments can be powerful, but truly life-changing when you step into what God says and believe.