Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Stuck in Sadness? Stuck in Sickness?

Are you feeling stuck? Do you feel sick or stuck in pattern of sadness/anxiety? Are you stuck in a job or feel like your relationship is stuck?
God wants to release you into a sense of true freedom. Staying stuck is not his destiny for you at all.
How to get unstuck:
1. Spend some time being still with God to ask Him what He wants you to know about your life. (Not sure how to hear God's voice - click here). How does He see you? (Not sure who you are in Christ? Click here and here).
2. Actively choose to agree with these things God reveals to you. This means you will have to throw away the brain trash of condemnation because God has never had a bad thought about you. Try replacing the negative with a truth God has revealed. For instance, "Oh that was so stupid. I'm so dumb." Instead, grab those words and throw them out the door and say, "I have the mind of Christ. I made a mistake and now I have learned how to do that differently next time."
3. Reach out for help. If you are sick and stuck - I would like you to email me or look at visiting your local prayer center. It is never God's will for us to be sick.
4. Listen to and sing worship music. Praising God is a powerful tool and weapon. Oftentimes chains will fall off simply from freely worshipping God. What if you do not have access worship? Please go at any time of the day to IHOP's live streaming. This is such an amazing place and you really will be blessed simply from listening and praising God through livestream. Or check out Wind and Fire at praise/equipping times 7 AM and PM and 8 AM and PM daily.

In my next blog entry, I will post about exercise. Feeling we cannot exercise is a huge stronghold the enemy holds over us - which actually makes us more sick/sad.