Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to Use Sword of Spirit

Do you remember the armor of God in Ephesians? (Posted at bottom of this blog) I always thought it was a great idea to put on this armor, but I really didn't get how to do it. Especially when told to fight with the Sword of the Spirit. I figured this must be the Holy Spirit, but how exactly do I use this to fight the wily schemes of the devil? While spending time with God the other day and being still, I heard God tell me how to do this. Begin by knowing what God says about you. If you do not know what God says specifically about you go to this blog post here. Once you have God's thoughts about yourself then write then out and say them daily so they become very familiar and agree with them. It is very powerful when we agree with what God says about us.
Anyway, God let me know that to use the Sword of the Spirit I was to test any thoughts that entered my head with the words God has told me about myself. Does this thought agree with what God says about me? If not, throw it out. Do not allow it to remain in the head. Do not perseverate or give it anymore air time. Repeat something God has told you, like, "I am God's treasure."
I really like this practical way of using the truths God has been telling me about me to battle against any gobbledegook satan is trying to sell me.

Ephesians 6:10-18

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

The Fight against Evil

10 Finally, let the mighty strength of the Lord make you strong. 11 Put on all the armor that God gives, so you can defend yourself against the devil’s tricks. 12 We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world. 13 So put on all the armor that God gives. Then when that evil day[a] comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm.
14 Be ready! Let the truth be like a belt around your waist, and let God’s justice protect you like armor. 15 Your desire to tell the good news about peace should be like shoes on your feet. 16 Let your faith be like a shield, and you will be able to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one.17 Let God’s saving power be like a helmet, and for a sword use God’s message that comes from the Spirit.
18 Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God’s people.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Talking Too Much!!

I have recently discovered why I could not hear God -- I was doing all of the talking!! I am quite a talker in life. I have a lot to say. There is nothing wrong with having a conversation with God, in fact, He desires to have an intimate friendship with us. But, when I would sit down to pray I would talk about everything that was going on and intercede for others then AMEN.
I was missing a HUGE element. What is it? God tells us to be still before Him. I didn't really get this. First of all, I was rarely still any time in my life. But, God really wants to tell us a lot of information and give us dreams/visions/words of knowledge.
I was totally missing this part of my relationship with God.
To change this I learned how to be still before God.  What worked really well for me was to go outside and just sit. The first time I did it, it took about 10 minutes of concentrated effort to get the ongoing dialogue in my head to silence. Just deep breathing and waiting. Then God gave me a simple message about who He saw me as, but it was really powerful and life-changing.
Since that point, I have tried to be silent before God as often as I could. I have found with practice that I can hear much better and so much quicker than before.
If you are a talker, look at your journals or your prayer life? Are you talking too much? Are you even trying to listen? Then, change it up. See my entry on the steps that I took to be still before God.
Think of the amazing things you are going to learn from God just by taking a few minutes with Him.


I have learned that the best revelations from God come from simply learning to be still before Him.

How to be still before God:
1. Find a location where you can have at least 10 minutes alone. Being outside in nature is really great, but anywhere where you can get a moment alone is fine. I know one mother who actually goes into a closet and sits on the floor so she can have a few minutes alone with God without the kiddos around. If you can't think of a place or have such a tight schedule you are unsure of how to schedule it in, just ask God. He desperately wants to spend time with you. He will provide a way to be still.
2.  Keep paper beside you and a pen. Be ready to jot down any errands you suddenly remember as you begin to be still before God. Go ahead and write them all down. Otherwise, these items will be in your head and keep you from being completely still.
3. Pray, "In the name of Jesus, I command my body and mind to line up with the Holy Spirit." Now your mind and body will not distract you from hearing God.
4. Take a series of deep breaths. Try to breathe out slower each time.
5. Ask God a question or just be completely still before Him.
6. Write if you see any visions or hear any words from Him. Do not try to analyze what you are writing means. Just go with it.
7. Be sure to reread your revelations and/or journal about them. These are precious words from God about you and your destiny God has for you.

Monday, March 17, 2014

My Testimony

Despite becoming a Christian when I was 13, my real transformation story began in February of 2013. 

It all started by attending weekly Saturday evening services at Wind and Fire Missions Base .

At this time, I was have 30-60 day migraines that were usually around a 8-10+ pain level and was taking 6 daily medications (along with additional meds for pain). My eyes were light sensitive, so I had to wear tinted glasses so I would not get an "eye migraine." Also, I had an oxygen tank nearby to help when I would get dizzy spells or feel nauseated from the migraines.

In addition, I was not able to walk more than 5 minutes due to foot and back pain. The lack of being able to move around and continuous headaches made me feel really sad and anxious.

In addition, I found that any time I went to any church I would become dizzy and get a level 10 migraine immediately. I always would try to make myself go to church because I know I "should," but I would often leave early because I would get so sick. I think the condemnation that I had already going around in my head continuously plus the condemnation I would feel that was coming from church heightened the level of my pain.

However, through Wind and Fire I learned that God has never had a bad thought about me. The teachings presented weekly began to pierce the darkness in my life.  I started to learn that it was not all about what I did, how successful I was, it was all about who I was in Christ. 

I also met a remarkable person named Amy who began to speak truth into my life about how I had authority in Christ and power. I had never been taught that. She told me that the Holy Spirit is not just a guide, but a true source of power. Amy told me to tell the pain to leave in the name of Jesus. She introduced me to the teachings of Curry Blake and how God really wants to heal us all. 

The headaches completely went away. Anxiety  and sadness left as I cast it out in the name of Jesus. My foot pain went away. The back was suddenly better and I am now going to Jazzercise 3-6 times a week. I never thought I would get back to Jazzercise.

I no longer take any prescription medicines. 

I no longer have any condemnation in my head. 

Each day God is refining me. 

It is amazing how free God wanted me to be!

Praise God for miracles!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

We Do Not Have a Spirit of Fear

When you are saved your spirit becomes new. This means that your old spirit is gone forever and the Holy Spirit lives within you.

Why then does the Christian struggle with fear? The Bible says over and over again that we are not to fear - ever! 

15 You didn’t receive a spirit that makes you a slave to fear once again. Instead you received the Holy Spirit, who makes you God’s child. By the Spirit’s power we call God “Abba.” Abbameans Father. 16 The Spirit himself joins with our spirits. Together they give witness that we are God’s children. (Romans 8:15-16)

Rather we have a spirit of power, love, and of a strong mind. Think about that for a minute. Power - You have authority. The authority of Jesus living within you to speak to that sickness, pain, depression. Look in the gospels. Have you ever noticed how Jesus spoke with such authority and conviction when He spoke? Speak with the same authority. Your words have great power!
Love - Have you learned to embrace the love God has for you? Are you agreeing with everything God has called you to be? When you agree with God's love for you, you are able to love with an amazing love to others.
Strong mind - For so long, I felt my mind was weak. I was a Christian, but I was not renewing my mind. I actually didn't know how to. I would make myself read the Bible and pray because I thought I should. To renew your mind, you take authority over anything that is in there that should not be (such as condemning thoughts), hold onto important words from God/visions that you can agree with and meditate on, and tell your mind to line up with the Holy Spirit.
If you are living in fear, you are not free. This is not where God wants you to be. It is normal to feel fear, but you should not live in that space. If you are in anxiety land and cannot stop your mind from racing - seek God. Just stop wherever you are. Tell your body and mind to line up with the Holy Spirit. Then ask God, "What do you want me to know about this anxiety I am feeling right now, God?" Breathe, close your eyes, and listen. 
Repeat this as often as necessary. God does not want you in fear. He will provide freedom, but you have to let him in and get off the anxiety wheel in order to allow Him to work.
In this blog I have used material I learned at Wind and Fire Mission Base.
 Wind and Fire Mission Base, 3243 Wind and Fire Dr. Marion, IA 52302302

Friday, March 07, 2014

What Does it Mean to Have a New Spirit?

You can recall the exact day and circumstances of when you accepted Christ into your heart. At that time you were given a new spirit. However, your body and mind were not born again. Only your spirit was.
Why is this important to consider? It is important to think about so you understand how God wants you to run.
The New Age religion operates in a way contrary to the way God wants us to run. New Age tells one body then mind then soul.
It is actually the opposite that God wants us to operate from. We are to function spirit then mind then body.  What is really sad is often a Christian operates in the old man mentality of focusing on physical (body) or mind (emotional) rather than starting with God in the spirit.
So, for instance, for many years as a Christian I was overwhelmed by schemes of the devil in my body (all of the migraines and pains in body) and emotional (feeling depressed, anxious, and worried). This was not living the victorious life God has called for me.
No demonic spirits can mess with the Holy Spirit that dwells within me.
Therefore, if I approach life from a spirit perspective rather than on how I feel or body symptoms then I can really run in a free way.
Why not spend time alone with God today (even 5 minutes is fine) and ask him, "God what were you thinking when you designed me?" Try to empty your head and keep a pad a paper nearby to write down any visions or words of knowledge gives you. If you suddenly think of an errand you need to, write that down and then return to the task at hand.
To operate in the spirit we must learn to listen and then look forward to the journey God wants to take us on!

In this blog I have used material I learned at Wind and Fire Mission Base.
 Wind and Fire Mission Base, 3243 Wind and Fire Dr. Marion, IA 52302302